
Storytelling Tips for Speakers

Oct 12, 2022 | B2B, Rakonto for enterprises

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can help speakers make a lasting impression on their audience. But what exactly is storytelling, and how can you use it to your advantage?

Simply put, storytelling is the art of using stories to communicate ideas, messages, or values in a way that is memorable and compelling. 

And while it may seem like an innate skill that some people are just born with, the good news is that storytelling is a learnable skill.

When it comes to giving talks or presentations in business settings, stories can be the difference between good and great, and there are endless ways you can use stories to capture your audience’s attention.

Here are a few key tips that can help you make the most of this powerful tool.


Identifying your unique story

To find your unique story, think about moments in your life that were defining or extremely significant. Stories that are compelling and relatable deserve the audience’s attention. These are your signature stories.

They should be simple but with a clear message that speaks to who you are and what you want others to take away from hearing it. Your signature story should be something that you can tell over and over again.

Here are some questions and answers that you can use to uncover your signature story:


How to tell which stories are my signature stories? 

Your signature story will be the one that you keep coming back to tell again and again. It’s the story that feels like it sums up who you are and what you’re all about. It’s the story you can’t help but share because it feels so true to you.


What if I don’t have a signature story? 

If you don’t have a signature story yet, don’t worry. Just start paying attention to the stories you find yourself telling over and over again. 

Chances are, one of them will start to feel like your signature story.


How do I make sure my signature story is compelling?

A compelling signature story will have three key elements: 1 – It will be true to you and your values; 2 – It will be interesting and engaging; 3 – It will have a strong emotional pull. 

If you can find a story that hits all three of those marks, you’ve got a winner.


How often should I tell my signature story? 

As often as you can! Telling your signature story is a great way to connect with people and make sure they remember you and what you’re all about.


Turning your experience into a story


Once you’ve identified your signature story, it’s time to start turning your experiences into stories you can share with others. Again, the key here is to focus on simplicity and clarity.

Your goal should be to take your experience and distill it down to its essence so that you can communicate it in a way that is both clear and impactful. 

When it comes to structuring the story, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Just make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end.

Some questions you can ask yourself as you’re crafting your story:


  • What are the key details of my experience? 
  • What are the most important things that people need to know to understand my story?
  • How can I make my story relatable? 
  • What are some common experiences or emotions that people can connect with?
  • How can I make my story memorable? 
  • What are some specific details or images that will stick in people’s minds?


Once you have a few stories in your arsenal, you can start using them to communicate your message in a way that is both impactful and memorable.

Think about the points you want to make and look for stories that can illustrate those points in a concrete and relatable way. When you’re sharing your stories, be sure to focus on the emotional core – what are the feelings that you want your audience to experience?

And finally, don’t forget to practice! The more you tell your stories, the better you’ll become at using them to communicate your message.


Using your stories in a public setting as a speaker

Now that you have your signature stories in your arsenal and you’re ready to start using them in a public setting to communicate your message, you need to know when the best time is to use these them.


Opening with a story:

If you’re opening a presentation or speech with a story, you want to make sure that it’s something that will grab your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your talk. A great opening story will be short, punchy, and to the point.

If you’re introducing yourself, you can use your signature story as a way to give your audience a quick and easy way to understand who you are and what you’re all about.

For example, let’s say you’re giving a speech about the importance of customer service. You could start with a story about a time when you received exceptional customer service or a time when you were the one delivering it.

Or, if you’re giving a presentation on the importance of effective teamwork, you could share a story about a time when you were part of an effective team or a time when you weren’t.


Telling stories throughout your presentation:

In addition to using stories to open your talk, you can also sprinkle them throughout the body of your presentation to drive home key points.

For example, if you’re giving a speech on the importance of taking risks, you could share a story about a time when you took a risk that paid off. Or, if you’re giving a presentation on the importance of effective communication, you could share a story about a time when miscommunication led to some sort of negative consequence.

Remember, the key here is to focus on stories that will help illustrate and reinforce the points you’re trying to make.


Use audience interaction when telling your story:

One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged when telling your story is to involve them in the telling.

You can do this by asking questions, soliciting feedback, or even involving them in role-playing exercises. For example, if you’re telling a story about a time when you had to give feedback to a coworker, you could ask your audience to share their own experiences with giving or receiving feedback.

Or, if you’re telling a story about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer, you could ask your audience how they would have handled the situation.

Not only does this help keep your audience engaged, but it also allows you to gather valuable insights from them that you can use to improve your own storytelling skills.


Closing with a story:

Just as you can use a story to open your talk, you can also use one to close it. When you’re choosing a story to close with, you want to make sure that it’s something that will resonate with your audience and leave them with a strong impression.

A great closing story will be memorable and emotional and leave your audience with something to think about long after your talk is over.


How to react when things go wrong

As a speaker, you have to expect that things won’t always go to plan!

You could forget your story and stutter, or you may hear a few grumbles from your audience when it isn’t connecting, or they may not laugh when using humor.

Whatever the case, it’s important to stay calm and collected. The best thing you can do is take a deep breath and start again. If you forget your place, just pick up from where you left off.

And if your audience isn’t responding the way you’d hoped, don’t take it personally. Just keep going and try to connect with them in a different way.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you enjoy yourself and have fun with it! If you can do that, then your audience will too.


Three tips for speakers

If you’re using your stories in a public setting, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, remember that stories are meant to be shared, not read. When telling a story, focus on making eye contact and connecting with your audience members individually. This will help them feel like they’re a part of your story and make it more memorable.

Second, practice your stories before you share them with an audience, as it will help you feel more confident and allow you to focus on the delivery of your story rather than worrying about remembering the details.

And finally, don’t be afraid to add a personal touch. Stories are more powerful when they’re real and genuine, so don’t be afraid to share some of your own vulnerability, as it will help your audience connect with you on a deeper level and make your stories even more impactful.



Speakers often use stories to add depth and emotion to their talks.

When choosing a story to share, focus on ones that will help illustrate and reinforce the points you’re trying to make. You can also involve your audience in the story by asking questions or soliciting feedback.

And finally, don’t forget to practice your stories before you share them! This will help you feel more confident and allow you to focus on the delivery.

Do you have any favorite storytelling tips? Share them with us in the comments below!


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