
The power of storytelling in nonprofit fundraising

Jun 14, 2022 | B2B, Rakonto for enterprises

Donors want to feel like they’re making a difference in the world. 

And one of the best ways to make them feel that way is through storytelling. Nonprofits can use stories to show donors how their money is being used to demonstrate the impact of their donations. 

Storytelling is also a great way to connect with potential donors and build relationships with them.

Nonprofits rely on storytelling as a powerful tool to raise money, attract volunteers, and grow awareness. A great story with an emotional hook will not only engage your donors, it will compel them to take action.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of storytelling in nonprofit fundraising. 

But what makes a great story? To create an effective nonprofit story, you’ll need to focus on several key elements:

The protagonist


The main character of your story should be relatable and inspiring. They should be someone your audience can root for, and their journey should represent the change you want to see in the world.

Example story:   In 2010, Kakenya Ntaiya made a promise to her village in Kenya: if they allowed her to go to school, she would come back and build a school for the girls in her community.

Kakenya kept her promise. After graduating from college in the United States, she returned to Kenya and founded the Kakenya Center for Excellence. 

The school provides quality education to girls who would otherwise be married off or kept out of school and also offers leadership training and mentorship programs.

Today, the Kakenya Center is thriving. It has educated hundreds of girls and young women, and Kakenya’s story has inspired people all over the world.

The problem


Your story should focus on a problem that your audience cares about. It should be an issue that they can relate to, and one that they want to see solved.

Example story:   Every day, girls around the world are forced into marriage. This practice denies them their childhood, their right to an education, and their right to choose their own future.

Child marriage is a problem that affects millions of girls, but it’s one that is often overlooked. Despite the fact that child marriage is illegal in many countries, the practice persists.

In order to end child marriage, we need to raise awareness about the issue and put pressure on world leaders to take action.

The solution


The solution to the problem should be clear, and it should be something that your nonprofit is working towards. This is where you can tie in your mission, and show how your work is making a difference.

Your story should offer a glimpse of hope. It should show your audience that change is possible and that their support can make a difference.

Example story:   Kakenya Ntaiya’s story is a perfect example of how one person can make a difference. By getting an education and starting her own school, Kakenya is empowering other girls to take control of their own lives.

Stories like hers show us that it is possible to end child marriage. With the right support, we can provide girls with the tools they need to choose their own futures.

A call to action 


Your story should end with a call to action. This is your opportunity to tell your audience what they can do to help solve the problem.

It can be something as simple as asking them to share your story or urging them to contact their representatives and demand action on the issue.

No matter what form it takes, your call to action should be clear and concise. It should be something that your audience can easily do,


  • Share this story to help raise awareness about child marriage.
  • Contact your representatives and tell them to support legislation that will help end child marriage.
  • Donate to a nonprofit working to end child marriage.



Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with potential donors and show them the importance of your nonprofit. It can also be used to demonstrate the impact of donations.

By showcasing the work that you do, you can create an emotional connection with potential donors and encourage them to donate to the cause. Are you ready to start telling your story?

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