Frequently Asked Questions
Rakonto definitions
What is Rakonto?
Rakonto is a platform designed to help people record and share life’s most important stories.
What is a story?
A story in Rakonto is like a chapter in a book, or a vignette, centered around a single audio or video recording.
What is a collection?
A collection is a group of stories, which can be shared with others.
What is my library?
Your library is where you will find all stories and collections created by you and shared with you.
What is library space?
Library space refers to the total amount of storage (in gigabytes) allocated to your account. The size of your library space is determined by your Rakonto subscription.
What is a draft story v. a published story?
Stories in draft mode cannot be viewed by anyone except creators and editors. Published stories are viewable by others if the collection in which they belong has been shared.
What is a public v. private collection?
Collections that are made public by their creator may be viewed by anyone who has access to the unique link for the collection. Private collections can only be viewed by specific people with whom the creator has shared the collection.
What is a transcript?
Rakonto automatically generates transcripts for English-language recordings, which may be displayed as captions. You may edit these transcripts.
What are People in Rakonto?
Rakonto enables you to identify people participating in or mentioned in stories. You can associate thumbnails with these people and link to their social media profiles or genealogical records. You can also see stories where specific people are tagged.
What are Places in Rakonto?
Rakonto enables you to identify places mentioned in stories. You can pin places onto maps, and see stories where specific places are tagged.
What are Timelines in Rakonto?
Rakonto enables you to identify key events mentioned in stories. You can specify dates for these events, and see events in a timeline view within a collection.
What is a creator?
A creator is a Rakonto user that creates stories and collections. Every user has the ability to create stories and collections within their libraries
What is a recorder?
A recorder is someone who a creator has invited to record a story into the creator’s collection.
What is a contributor?
A contributor is someone who a creator has invited to upload photos and files into the creator’s story.
What is an editor?
An editor is someone who a creator has invited to edit a story in the creator’s collection.
What does it mean to transfer ownership of a collection?
Used primarily by professionals, ownership transfer allows a creator to transfer ownership of a collection to another Rakonto user. Once the collection is transferred, the original creator will no longer have access to it, unless granted permission by the new owner.
Plans / Pricing
Can I buy a monthly plan or do I have to buy an annual plan?
We offer both monthly and annual plans. Annual plans are sold at a reduced rate of 20% or more compared to monthly plans. You may cancel monthly plans at any time.
What if I exceed my library space?
When your library volume approaches your space limit, we will notify you. Once you exceed your space limit, we encourage you to upgrade your plan so you may continue recording or uploading more content.
Can I upgrade, downgrade or cancel my subscription?
Yes you may change your subscription at any time.
How can I switch to annual billing?
You can change your plan on this page.
In what currency are your paid plans?
Our paid plans are priced in US dollars.
Do I need a credit card to sign up for the free plan?
No credit card is required for the free plan. You can sign up for a free account with just your name and email address.
What if I need more storage or features than are offered with the Professional plan?
We encourage you to contact our sales team with any questions or additional needs.
Is the free version of Rakonto free forever?
Yes. When you need to increase your library space or access additional features, we encourage you to upgrade to one of our paid offerings.
Are collections and stories shared with me included in my total library space used?
No. Only stories and collections you create count towards your library space usage. Collections and stories shared with you by others do not increase your total space used.
Is there a limit to the number of stories and collections I create in my library?
No. You are limited only by the total library space available with your selected Rakonto plan.
Can I record a story directly into Rakonto?
Yes. Just follow the three steps in the “create new story” wizard.
Can I import previously recorded stories into Rakonto?
Yes. You can upload previously recorded audio or video files into Rakonto, following the three steps in the “create new story” wizard.
I just recorded a story. What should I do next?
Press the story tile to edit the story. When you are happy with it, you may publish your story.
How do I publish a story?
Edit the story, and change the status of the story from Draft to Published. Make sure the collection the story is linked to is shared so that people may view your stories in the collection.
How do I share a collection?
Edit the collection, and press Share.
What is the difference between public and private collections?
Public collections can be viewed by anyone who accesses the link Rakonto generates for your collection. Private collections can only be viewed by specific individuals you invite by entering their email addresses into the collection.
What does the Thumbnail button in a story do?
You can upload a thumbnail image in a story to replace the image Rakonto generates from your recording. We recommend uploading an image with 16×9 aspect ratio with at least 1280 x 720 resolution.
What does the Thumbnail button in a collection do?
You can upload a thumbnail image in a collection to replace the image Rakonto generates. We recommend uploading an image with 16×9 aspect ratio with at least 1280 x 720 resolution.
How can I fix errors in Rakonto captions?
Edit the story, press the TRANSCRIPT tab, then press Edit. Remember to save your changes.
Can I replace a recording in a story?
Yes. Press “Replace audio/video” and re-record or upload a different recording.
How do I change the story title or description?
In the ABOUT section of your story, press the Pencil icon. Remember to save your changes.
Can I remove a comment from a story or collection?
Yes, if you are the creator of the story. Press Delete on the comment you wish to remove.
How can I tag people mentioned in a story?
In the PEOPLE section of your story, add names of people mentioned. Add thumbnails and links to their social media profiles or genealogical records.
How can I tag places mentioned in a story?
In the PLACES section of your story, add names of places mentioned. Enter addresses or cities and Rakonto will place them on a map.
How can I tag events mentioned in a story?
In the TIMELINE section of your story, add dates of key events mentioned. Rakonto will places these event in your timeline chronologically.
How can I ask someone else to record a story into my collection?
I want to ask others to record stories by publishing a link on my website. Is that possible?
Can I create a QR code that people can scan to record their stories into my collection?
How can I set a deadline for people to record stories in my collection?
I'd like to for others to tell shorter stories. Can I set a time limit?
Are people who record stories into my collection able to view them later?
They can view your collection if a) your collection is public and you share the link with them or b) if your collection is private and share it with them by entering their email address into Rakonto.
Can I invite another person to upload photos or files into my story?
Are people who upload photos or files into my stories able to view them later?
They can view your collection if a) your collection is public and you share the link with them or b) if your collection is private and share it with them by entering their email address into Rakonto.
Can contributors remove photos or files from my stories?
No. Only you or people you assign as editors can remove photos or files.
I'd like another person to edit my stories (for example, review and correct transcripts). Is that possible?
Can editors replace stories (the audio or video recordings)?
No. Editors cannot replace audio or video recordings, and they cannot delete stories. They can change other items in stories in which you have granted edit access.