
Find your sense of peace through storytelling

Jul 11, 2022 | B2B, Rakonto for enterprises

According to researchers, hearing or telling stories can be beneficial for our mental health. When we hear stories, we can empathize with the characters and understand their emotions, which can help us process our own emotions and find a sense of peace.

Telling stories of past events can also be therapeutic as it allows us to express ourselves and share our experiences with others. In doing so, we can see a dual perspective from the point of view then – and from the experience we carry now, which can help us make peace with the event.

When we keep experiences/events to ourselves, they can play on our minds as we get older, especially if these experiences aren’t pleasant ones. But when we share them, we can find closure and a sense of relief.

If you’re struggling to find peace in your life, try storytelling. It could be the key to finding inner peace and harmony.

The benefits of storytelling for mental health.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that storytelling can be beneficial for mental health. This is likely due to the fact that stories can help us make sense of our lives, connect with others, and learn about different perspectives.

One study found that individuals who read or listened to personal narratives experienced less social anxiety and fewer negative emotions. They also reported feeling more connected to others and more hopeful about their lives.

Other research has shown that stories can help reduce stress, improve sleep, and brain health. One study even found that people who read or told stories had lower stress levels.

So why exactly does storytelling have such a positive effect on mental health?

One theory is that stories help us process and make sense of our own experiences. When we hear or read about someone else going through a similar situation, it can help us feel less alone and understand our own emotions better.

Stories can also provide valuable perspective-taking opportunities. By hearing about someone else’s experiences, we can develop a greater understanding and empathy for others, which can help reduce prejudice and improve our relationships.

Finally, stories can simply be enjoyable. They can provide a much-needed distraction from stress and negative thoughts. And when we laugh or feel emotionally engaged while telling, reading, or listening to a story, it can boost our mood and overall well-being.

Find your voice after 50 by storytelling.

If you’re over 50 and struggling to find your voice, storytelling may be the perfect outlet for you. In a society that often values youth, it can be easy to feel invisible or unimportant as we get older, and telling our stories can help us feel seen and heard.

Storytelling can also be a way to connect with others. When we share our stories, we can create bonds with people who have had similar experiences, and hearing other people’s stories can help us feel less alone in the world.

With the years of experience and wisdom that come with age, you have a lot to offer through storytelling. So don’t be afraid to share your stories with the world. You never know who might benefit from hearing them.

As well as others benefiting from your stories, it can also bring some comfort to you, especially if you’ve had a negative experience from a past memory that plays in your mind like a movie on repeat. Letting it out through a story in a positive way can give you a new perspective on it and help you make peace with it.

A great example of this can be found in the article from sixtyandme. The author stated, “When my mother asked me to care for her when I was three, my three-year-old self did not know better and accepted.

Now at 63, I know the burden was not for me to carry. After 60 years, I put down the load and feel lighter. The more I tell the story, the lighter I feel; the more of me emerges”.

Telling stories can normalize mental health.

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that you’re not alone. In fact, 1 in 5 adults in the US experiences a mental illness each year.

Unfortunately, mental health problems are still stigmatized in our society. This can make it difficult for people to seek help or feel comfortable talking about their experiences.

But storytelling can help break down these barriers. When we share our stories, we can help normalize mental illness and reduce the stigma surrounding it.

This is especially important for young people who are struggling with mental health issues. Hearing about others’ experiences can help them feel less alone and understand that their feelings are normal. It can also encourage them to seek help if they need it.

So don’t be afraid to share your story. You never know who you might help by doing so.


The power of storytelling is undeniable. It can help us process our own emotions, develop empathy for others, and simply provide enjoyment. If you’re over 50 and struggling to find your voice, don’t be afraid to share your stories with the world.

You never know who might benefit from hearing them. And if you’re struggling with a mental health issue, know that you’re not alone. Telling your story can help break down the barriers of stigma and encourage others to seek help if they need it.

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