
How to Motivate and Inspire your Audience as a Speaker

Jul 6, 2022 | B2B, Rakonto for enterprises

As a public speaker, it is your goal to engage with your audience and keep them inspired throughout and long after they have left the auditorium.

Although it may seem daunting for the task at hand to get your audience feeling motivated, it all comes down to preparation, practicing your delivery, and most importantly, talking with facts backed with data and a compelling story.

This guide will walk you through different methods to help you consider how you can motivate your audience.

What are some ways to motivate an audience?

1. Keep it positive – When you are speaking to an audience, always remember to keep your message positive. People tend to be more receptive to a message when it is conveyed in a positive light. This does not mean that you should avoid discussing negative topics altogether, but try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation.

For example, if you are giving a presentation on global warming, instead of talking about all of the devastating effects it will have, talk about what we can do to prevent it.

2. Use emotion – Another way to motivate an audience is by using emotion in your speeches. This could be done by sharing a personal story or experience that elicited a strong emotional response. When people feel emotionally connected to a speaker, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated by the message.

3. Be relatable – To connect with your audience, it is important to be relatable to real-life situations and circumstances. Share common experiences or interests that you have with the audience. This will help them feel more comfortable with you and invested in what you are saying.

4. Use humor – Although it may seem counterintuitive, using humor can actually be a great way to motivate an audience. humor can help lighten the mood and make complex topics more digestible. When used appropriately, humor can be a powerful tool to keep your audience engaged.

5. Be passionate – When you are passionate about your topic, it will show through in your delivery. This will make your audience more likely to be interested and invested in what you are saying. If you do not care about your topic, it will be difficult to get your audience to care about it as well.


Telling the audience exactly what you want them to do

1. Make it easy for them – When you are asking your audience to do something, make it as easy as possible for them. Give them specific instructions and make sure that they understand what you are asking of them.

2. Give them a reason to do it – In order for people to be motivated to do something, they need to have a good reason to do it. When you are asking your audience to take action, be sure to explain why it is important and how it will benefit them.

3. Be persistent – If you want your audience to take action, you need to be persistent. Do not give up if people do not immediately respond to your call to action. Continue to reinforce the importance of taking action, and eventually, people will begin to respond.

4. Offer incentives – Another way to motivate people to take action is by offering incentives. This could be something as simple as a discount or a freebie. People are more likely to take action if they stand to gain something from it.

Use stories and data to back your claims

1. Stories – When you are trying to motivate an audience, stories can be a powerful tool. Share a personal story or an anecdote that is relevant to your topic. This will help your audience connect with you and your message.

2. Data – In addition to stories, using data can also help motivate an audience. This could be data from a study or research that you have conducted. When you use data to support your claims, it will make your argument more persuasive and credible.

3. Testimonials – Another way to use data to support your claims is by sharing testimonials from other people. This could be a quote from a satisfied customer or a case study of someone who has used your product or service. Testimonials are a great way to show the real-world impact of what you are trying to achieve.

4. Examples – Another way to support your claims is by giving examples. This could be a real-life example of someone who has used your product or service or a hypothetical example of how your solution would work in a real-world situation. Examples help to make your claims more relatable and understandable.

Be the change and leader you want your audience to become

1. Be a role model – One of the best ways to motivate and inspire your audience is by being a role model. Show them that it is possible to achieve what you are asking of them. If you want your audience to be leaders, then you need to lead by example.

3. Be transparent – Build trust with your audience by being transparent and sharing your own successes and failures with them. This will help them see that you are human and that you have gone through the same struggles as them.

4. Be vulnerable – When you are vulnerable, it allows your audience to see that you are just like them. This will help them feel more connected to you and your message and also allows them to see that you are approachable.

5. Be passionate – If you want to motivate and inspire your audience, you need to have passion for what you are doing. When you are passionate about your message, it will come through in your delivery, and your audience will be able to feel it.

2. Be authentic – Another way to connect with your audience is by being authentic. People can tell when you are being genuine and when you are not. If you want your audience to trust you, then you need to be honest with them.

Know your audience

1. Do your research – Before you can know what your audience wants, you need to do your research. This means understanding who your audience is and what their needs are. Only then will you be able to craft a message that resonates with them.

2. Keep it simple – When you are trying to motivate and inspire your audience, it is important to keep your message clear and concise. Do not try to overload them with too much information. Instead, focus on one main point and make it memorable.

3. Be clear about what you want – When you are trying to motivate and inspire your audience, it is important to be clear about what you want them to do. Give them a call to action and make it easy for your audience to take that first step.

4. Appeal to their emotions – Another way to make your message more relatable is by appealing to their emotions. This could be done by using stories or examples that tug at their heartstrings. When you connect with your audience on an emotional level, it will be more effective.


This guide is intended to shed some light on some key aspects of what it takes to become a speaker that can motivate and inspire an audience. While there are many different strategies and techniques that you can use, the four main points that have been discussed are used by thousands of speakers worldwide.

If you want to know more about being a speaker or experiencing a speakers event, check out the National Speakers Association. They have an event called Influence from the 9th – 11th of July.

It is the leading event for the speaking industry for speakers interested in building a better speaking business and becoming better speakers. It features many world-renowned speakers who take a deep dive into speaking as a profession and how to motivate and inspire audiences of all types and sizes.

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